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Learn How To Rap – A Guide For Beginners

Learn How To Rap - A Guide For Beginners

So, you want to learn rapping?

As a beginner, hip-hop composition (i.e., learning how to compose a rap song) might seem so outlandish that you don’t know where to begin.

Rapping is a highly personal skill to acquire. As with any other artist, we rap about events in our own universe, our own tiny part of the planet. Do not assume that your narrative is less engaging because you live in the suburbs and drive a Honda than someone who grew up on the streets of New York or Chicago.

We are all unique and have distinct tales to share. Rap is a potent vehicle for conveying these narratives, ideas, and emotions. To be able to relate these tales, however, you must first understand how the language is spoken. This session will focus on the fundamentals of rapping. This will be geared mostly for novices, since getting started is often the hardest part. Therefore, let’s begin the first steps on our voyage.

In this article, we will discuss how to compose and perform rap lyrics in the present day. We will discuss lyrics, melody, and song structure to help you compose a rap song you can be proud of.

Starting To Learn Rap

Starting to learn rap

So where should we start? You should have a favorite artist at this stage, someone who motivated you to begin this process in the first place. This is an excellent starting place. You undoubtedly have remembered some of your favorite songs to the point where you can rap at least an entire verse without any accompaniment.

Identifying the kind of rapper, you want to be is the next step. Do you want to become a freestyle musician? Do you want a career as a storyteller? Eventually, you will need to master both. Start practicing your abilities immediately. Everyday occurrences may be transformed into rhymes.

You’ve been doing it since you could first speak. Just walk about and begin rhyming things you observe, such as “I see my television”. Then go down the list of phrases that rhyme with television. When you are initially learning how to rap, you should do this wherever you go, constantly.

As you improve and expand your vocabulary over time, you will also begin to develop your natural cadence.

Open a dictionary, newspaper, or magazine and choose the first word that your finger comes over. Going down the list of words that rhyme with that word is repeated. Crossword puzzles are excellent for training the mind and learning new words.

Some say that to improve your vocabulary, all you need to do is read a lot of books and brush up on your English abilities.

Although it is sound advice, crossword puzzles provide not only excellent vocabulary terms but also their definitions. You don’t need large words to rap, and basic is successful. But in a rap fight, if you rhyme pretentious erudition with anything, it will be a mic drop moment.

Your opponent and almost everyone in the room will become silent as they attempt to comprehend what you just stated. We’ll wager that you’re now researching it.

How To Start Your Own Rap?

How to start your own rap

As with most creative endeavors, there is no definitive method to begin a rap, but there are a few recommendations that beginners and even seasoned artists who may be struggling with a certain track may utilize to get started.

Choose a beat first. Then, listen to it repeatedly in succession. Step away and then return to it. Consider the song. Allow a tune and some lyrics to come to you. Observe what occurs when you don’t exert any effort and instead allow your subconscious run wild.

Before you can record a song, you will have to spend hours crafting rhymes, searching up terms, rewriting the lyrics, rearranging things, experimenting with various cadences, and rehearsing the song many times, but these are not the initial stages. In the beginning, it’s all about getting a feel for the music and allowing your imagination to take you in really exciting and even surprising directions. Remember that brilliance takes time, so do not obsess about doing things perfect quickly.

Begin Freestyling

Some rappers begin with freestyling, but you should consider doing so later. Even some of your favorite hip-hop artists may not have mastered freestyling. So you shouldn’t feel guilty if you struggle to learn it fast. It’s not something you will absolutely need to do often. But being able to will open doors, give you a lot of credibility, and you may wish to include it into your work.

As Quickly As Possible, Rap In Front Of People

Rap in front of people

One of the most visible aspects of rap music is the amount of swagger and self-assurance its artists must possess.

Until very recently, with the rise of “emo rap,” rappers were needed, even when they were unhappy, to create a “macho” image, regardless of whether the artist had it or not.

As a beginner rapper, you must project an image of self-assurance from the very beginning. Even if you’re not yet completely there.

To increase the possibility that others would applaud for you and encourage you to further develop your talents.

In addition, regardless of whether you become a famous artist or not, the more public speaking and public performing skills you may acquire, the longer they will serve you.

Determine How You’ll Get Your Beats

Determine how you’ll get your beats

These days, it’s simpler than ever to acquire beats, and happily, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a track you’ll want to use. There are several websites where up-and-coming Producers offer their beats, and you can often get a wonderful, snappy composition for $25 to $50.

Numerous artists prefer to compose their own beats, and this choice is also more accessible than in the past…

However, it is quite difficult. To create music from scratch, you will need a number of computer applications (at least one to begin with, but ultimately dozens) and a computer capable of running them.

Additionally, you will need to understand how they work, which may take a very long time. It is analogous to learning an instrument, since that is precisely what it is.

I would continue to concentrate on learning how to rap if that is your current priority. You shouldn’t take on more than you can chew by trying to master two challenging abilities simultaneously. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t learn beat making later on.

Choose A Song’s Structure

Popular song structures

You have a subject, but do you know how your song will be structured? In fact, some novices may not even understand what the term implies at this stage. If you have listened to as much music as you should have by now, you will likely have an instinctive understanding of song structure, much as you can anticipate plot twists in films and the conclusion of a novel.

Once you consume sufficient media, such behaviors will become second nature…

However, it does not imply you shouldn’t do more research.

Examine song structures and their definitions to determine what makes up the different forms of music. You may select for a straightforward name, seek for a less common alternative, or combine ideas to come up with something really bizarre. Personal recommendation would be to remain with a beginner’s framework. But it’s absolutely up to your imagination and what you chose to go with.

Explore Live Performances

Explore live performances

Playing performances is probably the last thing you want to do, at least in light of this essay. You cannot even request to play in front of an audience before you have a repertoire of songs that they would like.

Booking concerts is difficult, particularly for someone just starting out, and it involves other talents and a lot more experience, so bear in mind that you have a lot of work ahead of you if you want to book live performances…

However, it may pay off in spades. Many artists cite performing for an audience as their favorite aspect of their profession.

Choose A Subject

Okay, so you’ve spent weeks (or months, or even years) reading, listening, and imitating. And now you’re ready to compose your first rap song!

First things first: what is the purpose of your song? You may rap about just starting out, your family life, rap about love, hopes for the future, the status of the world, and partying with your buddies. The list is unlimited, but there is a decent place to begin. If you are just starting out as a Songwriter, stick to what you know.

If it’s not real, don’t attempt to rap about having millions of dollars and topping the charts. That may work if you’re on the rise, but if you can’t back up your claims, nobody will believe you.

Also, do not worry if you have much to say, since this is just your first attempt.

Write Daily

Write song lyrics daily

As with any other talent you may want to master, such as learning a new language or adopting a new workout routine, you will need to practice composing and rapping every single day. This isn’t something you’ll do just in the beginning of your career. As even the largest and greatest professionals work on their art (and it is a talent) every single day.

On sometimes, you may compose a whole song. Occasionally, you may simply need to perfect a chorus. In other circumstances, you may compose several sentences, rhymes, lines, etc. and save them for future use.

I am not here to tell you precisely what you should generate during this time. And it is ideal to enter these sessions with an open mind and a willingness to observe what occurs. Obviously, there may be times when you need to concentrate on completing a track or a certain piece, but merely brainstorming can be really beneficial.

In the beginning, I would advise setting up a specified period of time each day during which you will be able to focus just on writing. And perhaps rapping as well (but let’s stay with writing for now). This may be in the morning before you begin your day, requiring you to get up early, or in the evening when you would typically be watching television.

Analyze Rhythms

Once you get the lyrics, you must choose how you will rap them. Many beginners, particularly in the hip-hop and rap genres, are unaware of the importance of rhythm in creating a great song and distinguishing one performer from another.

Consider choosing one verse from a song you often listen to and analyzing how each word is delivered. Is a certain syllable elongated? Does the musician accentuate one word and downplay others? Is it rapid or sluggish, or maybe both at various times? Analyzing the work of others can give you a feel of what is feasible and may even provide inspiration for the track you are currently working on.

Rhythm is essential to the music, yet listeners sometimes fail to detect it. As a musician, you cannot afford not to carefully consider every word, phrase, and rhyme, as well as how these sounds come out of your lips.

Use A Chorus

Many would say that the chorus is the most essential component of every song, regardless of genre. The chorus is the repeated section of a song, often occurring three or four times. And it frequently contains the catchiest hooks. You want your audience to be able to sing the chorus over and over again.

Numerous chart-topping hip-hop tracks that have become the best-selling and most successful of all time incorporate Pop Singers on the chorus to increase audience reach. This is a section of the song when it counts probably even more than in the verses how the lyrics are sung (or rapped) and how they connect with the music.

Choruses in rap are deceptively simple and highly challenging to compose, yet this may make them among the most enjoyable to work on. This is also where you’ll choose whether the song will be rap, hip-hop, or something altogether else.

Search For Rhymes

Search for rhymes with rhyme dictionary

Here is where some of rap’s brilliance emerges. Begin composing the words to your song, ensuring first that you have outstanding concepts and lines on paper. You may then begin putting them, determining what goes first, last, etc. However, it is not sufficient to merely write some tidy lines; you must also ensure that they rhyme, which may be rather difficult.

It is OK to utilize a rhyming dictionary to help your writing flow, since even the greatest names in the music business depend on them (and not just in rap). In addition to changing one word for another when it rhymes with another. You will also need to come up with fresh methods to express the same idea, all for the purpose of the rhyme. You may add or remove elements, change phrases, etc. This is composition of the rap!

Learning To Rap Means Discovering Your Identity

Learning to rap means discovering your identity

In the earliest stages of learning how to rap, finding a rhythm might be difficult. You must first pick whether you will search through a catalog to get a beat or if you will construct your own hip hop beats and bespoke sound. Additionally, you must know what you will rap about. If you already have an idea of what you want to say. Then this is the simplest technique for beginners to begin with.

There are practically hundreds of beats available on the Internet. So it is only a question of listening until you locate the ideal one. The rhythm you should seek is the one that corresponds to the tale you want to convey. Obviously, if your narrative is gloomy and scary, you do not want a joyful and pleasant rhythm. Once you have the tale on paper and have rehearsed it a million times, you should have a decent notion of your rhythm and cadence. At this stage, it is sufficient to search the catalogs for a match.

Simple-sounding, right? Wrong! There may not be a beat that precisely suits your cadence and flow. What do you do after days of seeking for the ideal rhythm and coming up empty? Currently, you have two possibilities. You might attempt to alter your cadence to match a rhythm that you like, which is effective for certain musicians. The issue is that you can wind up with something that doesn’t sound like you. Which would contradict the point of rapping.

The alternative is to network with your peers. Your buddies might be your most valuable asset in this situation. If you have a buddy who produces beats as a pastime, they will likely be willing to assist you. Just be sure to compensate them for their time and effort. You may even know someone who knows a producer or prospective producer. Collaboration is essential to succeed in almost any field, and learning to rap is no exception.


It is ultimately all about you. We have just illuminated the first few stages of your trip. You are responsible for grabbing the torch and continuing along the trail. Rapping is all about identifying yourself and expressing it via music. Perhaps this is simply a passion for you, or perhaps you want to make a profession out of it. Music can only carry you as far as you are willing to carry it; it will never carry you.

The more effort and time you put into anything, the more you will receive out of it. This is perhaps the most significant contribution rap makes to culture. It is an avenue for our shared aspirations, concerns, and frustrations. It makes no difference whether you do something for joy or profit. Rapping will ultimately make you a better person, a more intelligent human, and a more educated adult. Obviously, now that you can rap, we need to get those lines into the music; grab your rapping microphone and begin recording!

Hopefully, by reading this guide you will learn the basics of rapping and how to make it big in the rap game!

Hi I’m Christoph

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InsaneBeatz Music Producer

I am the beat producer and editor of – a website for rappers and singers looking for professional beats. Since I started producing in the early 2000s, I’ve loved every minute of it. I hope you can hear the passion in my beats!


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